“It is the dark time of the year and there’s a fire aglow in the orchard; I hear fox.
As evening slides into night, I put on my coat and head out into the street. The night is sepia and a sleepy half-moon rests its belly upon the chimney pots of the houses opposite.”
So begins my piece, Fox, written for the Creative Future’s Literary Awards. I was so pleased, it won first prize for fiction, a Platinum award. At the Awards Ceremony and Showcase, in London a week or so ago, I received my award and read out my piece in front of an audience along with the eleven other finalists. Lemn Sissay introduced the evening and read along with Maggie Gee, both also contributed to an anthology of all the finalists’ work, titled Impossible Things.

Here is a video of me reading “Fox” at the Creative Futures Awards Ceremony. I’m a bit serious!
congratulations Alexi, you deserve this recognition!!!!!!!!
Thank you! Totally unexpected! :)