Self Published Books

I have written, illustrated, self published and bound some small books and zines. You can buy some of them from my website shop, and my Etsy Shop.

Night Wood Booklet/Zine

Night Wood is a 16 page booklet or zine that tells the story of the wildlife of a wood at night beneath a full moon. It has detailed illustrations throughout and minimal, poetic text.

If You Are Lost You Booklet/Zine

if You Are Lost you May Be Taken is a 16 page booklet/zine with highly detailed pen and ink illustrations and minimal text. It is a haunting, poetic tale written in response to David Wagoner’s poem, Lost and inspired by the Greek myth of Daphne in Ovid’s Metamorphosis.

Goddesses of River, Sea and Moon

This little book describes 24 River, Sea and Moon goddesses from around the world, covering mythology and interesting facts. Each goddess is illustrated with my own detailed pen and ink artwork. It is hand bound.

The Memory Tree

The Memory Tree is a story of a girl who is swept away in a flood and who grows up in the forest. It is a magical tale about memory, dreams and the gifts of nature. The book has 62 pages, most illustrated with detailed pen and ink illustrations. There is a colour cover inside and out and it is handbound.

Little Nature Booklets

These are little booklets of a few pages are of nature writing illustrated with pen and ink illustrations.

Dusk, Night, Dawn – Encounters with the Natural World

This is my book of nature writing pieces about encountering wildlife during the twilight and night hours. Like my other books it is illustrated with pen and ink illustrations.